The Purpose of God means that we follow The Will and Inspiration of God Our Father and the LORD Jesus Christ. Our footsteps are ordered by Him and Him Alone.
Psalm 91:1 - "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." We seek the presence of God for hope, wisdom, guidance and comfort.
It is the passion of Christ who loved us so much that He willingly died on Calvary's cross so that we could be free from sin, guilt, pain and shame. It is with that same passion that we seek to share His Gospel and lead others into the safety of His arms.
We are in partnership with other Born-again believers to live a life that is dedicated to humanity, love, peace and fellowship in Christ. Communion with God and love for each other is the best way for us to demonstrate partnership.
It is essential that we get and stay in position with God and His Word. Just like the bridesmaids who were prepared and waiting with their lamps full, we are ready and waiting for the return of Jesus Christ at that day- Maranatha! Come LORD!
I have POWER over the forces of darkness and no weapon formed against me shall (or every will) prosper. We must operate with the strength of knowing our Authority given by Christ when He died and rose with all power in His hands. That Power is transfered to us. The enemy is defeated and to God be the Glory for the things that He has done. It is marvelous in my eyes.
Phil 4:7 - and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Period.
ALBC Coronavirus Mitigation Update:
The current MD recommendation is for everyone to Stay-at-home or Shelter-in-place! If you go out, then please keep 6ft away from others or do not gather in crowds larger than 10 people. Stay safe! We have work to do once this is over!
To that end, we will NOT be meeting in person at the ALBC sanctuary for worship service or Bible study for the next two weeks (April 3, 2020). We will re-evaluate after that time. All ALBC events planned in April will be postponed ( for notices).
However we will be meeting on the ALBC conference call line for 11:30am Sunday Worship, Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study (7pm) and Monday Morning Prayer (6:30am). All services will start ON-TIME.
The number is 712-770-5505: access 208506#.
Please download the APP on your phone to help with the broadband issues or avoid additional cell phone charges.
Please continue to tithe and give offering through the Givelify App (look up Abundant Life Bible Church).
Love you, stay strong!! We are more than conquerors and will get through this, in Jesus' name. 😉ALBC Coronavirus Mitigation Update:The current MD recommendation is for everyone to Stay-at-home or Shelter-in-place! If you go out, then please keep 6ft away from others or do not gather in crowds larger than 10 people. Stay safe! We have work to do once this is over!
To that end, we will NOT be meeting in person at the ALBC sanctuary for worship service or Bible study for the next two weeks (April 3, 2020). We will re-evaluate after that time. All ALBC events planned in April will be postponed ( for
However we will be meeting on the ALBC conference call line for 11:30am Sunday Worship, Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study (7pm) and Monday Morning Prayer (6:30am). All services will start
The number is 712-770-5505: access
Please download the APP on your phone to help with the broadband issues or avoid additional cell phone
Also, we still need to maintain the church, so please continue to tithe and give offering through the Givelify App (look up Abundant Life Bible Church). You can also send offerings directly to the church address or meet me there to