Pauline Phillips
This is the day that we Celebrate Christ and Spiritual Growth with 7 Spiritual Principals:
#1: Purpose of God
#2: Presence of God
#3: Passion of God
#4: Partnership with God
#5: Position in God
#6: Power of God
#7: Peace of God
Let that guide your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. We love you!
We are dedicated to improving the lives of those in our community. Your contribution today helps us make a difference. Visit us on GIVELIFY and look for us under Abundant Life Bible Church. Thank you and Abundant blessings.
We are a community-based organization focused on helping make the world around us a better, happier place. With the help of our tireless staff, we outreach to the sick and shut in, organize fundraisers, have exciting worship services, and focus on in-depth training sessions for our ministry partners.
Are you passionate about what we're doing? Let us know! We are always looking for volunteers to help us make our vision a reality. We'll help you find a way to volunteer that best suits you. We're excited to have you join the team!
Whether you help through monetary donations, volunteering your time, or spreading our mission through word-of-mouth, thank you. We couldn't accomplish our goals without the help of believers like you.
We will continue to be on-line on Zoom for Sunday service (89360647368, ID:mtcovington). Please remember to wear masks & gloves. Stay home if you are sick. Practice Social distancing! Get a flu shot! Prayer & Bible Study are online on We can do all things thru Christ that strengthens (Phil 4:13)
Follow us to watch our regular livestreams - on Instagram ALBC_Ministries and Facebook ALBC Ministries
ALBC Coronavirus Mitigation Update:
The current MD recommendation is for everyone to Stay-at-home or Shelter-in-place if you hav COVID-19 or any other infectious condition! If you go out, then please keep 6ft away from others or do not gather in crowds larger than 10 people. Stay safe!
However we will be meeting on the ALBC conference call line for:
* 11:30am Sunday Worship (Full service)
* Wednesday Prayer and Bible Study (7pm)
* Monday Morning Prayer (6:30-7:00am)
* Med's and Women's Bible Study (Thursdays 7:00-9:00pm)
* Blessed Communion Resurrection Sunday (every 3rd Sunday)
* Youth Sundays (every 5th Sunday at 10:30am)
All services will start promptly ON-TIME.
Please contact church for on-line details.
Please continue to tithe and give offering through the Givelify App (look up Abundant Life Bible Church, Hyattsville or CashApp - $MelvaCovington).
Love you, stay strong!! We are more than conquerors and will get through this, in Jesus' name. 😉